Camper Testimonies

We are seeking youth camper volunteers willing to share their testimonies Wednesday morning before Mass (or the third workday for those with an adjusted schedule). These testimonies should be 3 to 5 minutes long and focus on personal experiences of God’s work in their lives.


  • Authenticity: Encourage campers to be authentic when sharing their stories.
  • Scripture: If possible, campers are encouraged to include a relevant scripture.
  • Topics: Testimonies can cover various life experiences like school, relationships, mental health struggles, decision-making processes, or personal achievements and setbacks. The key is to show how God has been there throughout it all.

To sign up a camper to speak, we ask that contact leaders use the form below.

Camper Testimony Volunteer Form

  • Please note that selections will be on a first-come, first-served basis (one volunteer per camp). Once a submission for a camp is received, it will be removed from the form, indicating that it is no longer available for sign-up. For those who sign up, additional information, including exact details and schedule, will be provided during your camp week.

Additionally, we request contact leaders review and approve testimonies to ensure they align with our guidelines, adhere to church teachings, and contribute to a positive experience for everyone involved. Thank you for your support in making this opportunity possible for our campers.