Worksite Requirements
Work together as a team (no dictators, please).
Build a relationship with your resident, agency, or children you will serve. If your work project does not have a resident or the resident is not open to talking, take this time and get to know your team members and others in the community you encounter.
Do not make fun of or joke about someone’s living conditions or different culture.
When you are tired, take short breaks as opposed to watching others work.
Always expect the need for flexibility (go with the flow).
No paint fights or careless play with tools or supplies.
Never leave your worksite alone or without an adult.
Act like ladies and gentlemen; residents and neighbors are watching.
Be willing to share your thoughts during lunch share/prayer time at the worksites. Be open, take a risk, and be vulnerable.
Teenagers shall not drive during the camp week. (only designated adults should drive).
Teens shall not ride in a vehicle with anyone other than their Team Builder or their own parish chaperones.
Always wear a seat belt. Do not “double-up” or sit on the floor.
Do not start projects you cannot finish. CHWC is responsible for shabby work if it needs to be redone.
CHWC partners with local social agencies. We request they give us projects in low-income communities for people who otherwise would not be able to afford help. Ultimately, the agencies are the source for selecting work projects. We ask that you refrain from being judgmental when a house or work project does not meet your standards for repair. Be confident the agency has selected this project for a purpose, and God has you there for a reason.