Dress Code

Catholic HEART Workcamp provides a safe and welcoming environment that is an example of a Christian Community. As we come together as a Catholic Christian Community, teens, and adults are asked to dress in a manner that is modest and appropriate for a Catholic environment. Catholic HEART Workcamp depends on adult leaders to enforce this dress code with their own youth group members.

  • Personal appearance is not to be sexually suggestive or revealing.
  • Shirts worn at worksites and school/home bases must have sleeves and cover up all parts of the chest, mid-section, and back.
  • T-shirts with offensive or suggestive symbols/statements are unacceptable. T-shirts with beer/alcohol logos are also prohibited.
  • Backless or strapless clothing, bare midriffs, low necklines, halters, and tube tops should not be worn.
  • Please be modest when packing shorts. We suggest the fingertip rule: If your shorts do not reach your fingertips when your arms hang down at your side, please consider bringing longer shorts.

Respectful Attire: Please wear clothing that reflects the values of CHWC. Attire with offensive language, suggestive content, political messages misaligned with Catholic teachings, or logos related to alcohol, drugs, or violence is not permitted at Workcamp.

Liturgy Participation: If you plan to assist during Mass (e.g., as a lector, Eucharistic minister, or altar server), please bring appropriate attire, including long pants or skirts. This follows proper church etiquette and demonstrates respect for the sacredness of the liturgy.