Dress Code
Catholic HEART Workcamp provides a safe and welcoming environment that is an example of a Christian Community. As we come together as a Catholic Christian Community, teens, and adults are asked to dress in a manner that is modest and appropriate for a Catholic environment. Catholic HEART Workcamp depends on adult leaders to enforce this dress code with their own youth group members.
- Personal appearance is not to be sexually suggestive or revealing.
- Shirts worn at worksites and school/home bases must have sleeves and cover up all parts of the chest, mid-section, and back.
- T-shirts with offensive or suggestive symbols/statements are unacceptable. T-shirts with beer/alcohol logos are also prohibited.
- Backless or strapless clothing, bare midriffs, low necklines, halters, and tube tops should not be worn.
- Please be modest when packing shorts. We suggest the fingertip rule: If your shorts do not reach your fingertips when your arms hang down at your side, please consider bringing longer shorts.