Catholic HEART Workcamp encourages an atmosphere of trust, truthfulness, honesty, and openness. CHWC prides itself in treating teens with respect. We do our best not to “talk down” to teens or adults but rather work together in creating the “kingdom on earth.” We ask teens to respect adults and vice versa. In most cases, those attending CHWC observe proper respect, manners, and rules of order. However, from time to time, someone may step over the line and carry out actions that are unacceptable and need disciplinary action.
- When an adult or teenager observes someone being disruptive, destructive, or in a dangerous situation, we ask you to intervene and ask the person to stop.
- If the problem continues, we ask that the problem be shared with his/her parish youth leader.
- If the situation is a serious violation of rules, contact the Workcamp manager, team captain, or director and make them aware of the behavior.
- If a situation is severe enough, Catholic HEART Workcamp reserves the right to send a person home at the camper’s expense.
The following CODE OF BEHAVIOR, which is signed as part of the camper paperwork, outlines situations in which a camper may be sent home.
I have read, understand and agree to follow the CODE OF BEHAVIOR outlined below and understand that if violated, CHWC has the right to send a camper home at their expense. I further agree that Catholic Heart Workcamp, in its sole discretion, will determine if any of the above rules were violated.
As a CHWC participant I will:
• Represent the Catholic Christian community through my language, dress and behavior.
• Respect the rights and property of others.
• Respect CHWC staff and adult leaders, even if these leaders are not from my group.
• Remove my hat, refrain from eating, drinking, and private discussions during Mass.
• Participate in all planned activities, group sessions and work projects.
• Read over the school, safety and worksite requirements in the youth or adult pre-trip planning booklet and will abide by them.
• Read over the rules for cell phone usage in the pre-trip planning booklet and will abide by them.
• Respect the privacy of my fellow campers and not go into any other sleeping quarters (guys or girls) that are not assigned to my group.
• Adhere to the stated curfew (10:30pm prepare for bed and 11:00pm lights out).
• Be responsible for assisting our group with snacks and help keep snack area clean.
• Not possess any alcohol, marijuana, non-prescription drugs, electronic cigarettes, JUUL devices, fireworks, weapons or knives (including pocket knives).
• Not leave the school grounds without adult supervision.
• Not swim in any man-made or natural body of water without permission and supervision by my group leader. No swimming anywhere is allowed unless approved in writing by the camp director.
• Build new relationships with my team, resident, agency leaders, others in the community I encounter during this service week.
• Read over the policy on Sexual Harassment / Misconduct.
• Refrain from inappropriate touching and verbal harassment.
• Not engage in any form of sexual activities or sexual harassment.
• Not take part in any form of bullying which includes (one or more students seeking to have power over another student through the use of verbal, physical or emotional harassment, intimidation or isolation).
• Encourage other group members to live by these rules.